Power Plant Performance By Gill Pdf Merge

2020. 2. 14. 02:10카테고리 없음


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Regional Economy, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy (US-REGEN)The US Regional Economy, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Model (US-REGEN) is a new model developed by the Electric Power Research Institute. It combines a detailed dispatch and capacity expansion model of the United States electric sector with a high-leveldynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model of the United States economy, including sectoral detail in electric power production, energy demand, and transportation.

Power Plant Performance By Gill Pdf Merge

The two models are solved iteratively to convergence, allowing analysisof policy impacts on the electric sector taking into account economy level responses. This makes US-REGEN capable of modeling a wide range of environmental and energy policies in both the electric and non-electric sectors. Model for Estimating the Regional and Global Effects of Greenhouse Gas Reductions (MERGE)MERGE is an intertemporal general equilibrium model with a reduced-form representation of the economy, the energy sector, related emissions and concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and the climate system. It is designedto be sufficiently transparent to allow exploration of the implications of alternative viewpoints in the greenhouse debate.

EPRI ReportsLinks will open a PDF in a new window/tab. Product IDNamePublishedType102038926-Oct-2009Corporate10154615-Sep-2007CorporateArticles / Presentations NameAuthorPublishedSizeGeoff BlanfordMay 2010809 KBGeoff BlanfordMay 2010410 KBGeoff BlanfordDecember 2009Geoff BlanfordDecember 2009Rich RichelsJuly 2008. Forestry and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model with Greenhouse Gases (FASOM-GHG) Description / Results ListThe Forestry and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model with Greenhouse Gases (FASOM-GHG) is an intertemporal partial equilibrium model of the U.S. Forestry and agricultural economic sectors, including biomass production for bioenergy. It isdesigned for detailed evaluation of potential changes in future U.S.

Forestry and agriculture commodity production and consumption, land management, land allocation, and greenhouse gases with respect to alternative economic, technological, biophysical,and policy scenarios. Articles / Presentations NameAuthorPublishedSizeSteven RoseJune 2011684 KBGeoff BlanfordApril 2011910 KB. Electric Generation Expansion Analysis SystemThe Electric Generation Expansion Analysis System (EGEAS) is a modular state-of-the-art generation expansion software package. EGEAS is used by utility planners to produce integrated resource plans, evaluate independent power producers, develop avoidedcosts and environmental compliance plans, and analyze life extension alternatives. EGEAS is a set of computer modules that determine an optimum expansion plan or simulate detailed production costs for a prespecified plan. Expansion plans aredefined by the type, size, and installation date for each new generating facility or demand-side management resource. Optimum expansion plans are developed in terms of annual costs, operating expenses, and carrying charges on investment.

Power Plant Performance By Gill Pdf Merger

Theobjective is to find an integrated resource plan that meets the objective function specified by the user. The two objective functions in EGEAS include: minimizing total present worth costs and minimizing levelized annual customer rates.for more information about EGEAS and how to obtain an EGEAS license from EPRI.EGEAS Software Product IDNamePublishedType05-Nov-2018Software30-Sept-2017SoftwareEGEAS DocumentationLinks will open a PDF in a new window/tab.

Product IDNamePublishedType20-Nov-2018Technical Results20-Nov-2018Technical Results30-Sept-2017Technical Results30-Sept-2017Technical ResultsEGEAS Presentations NameAuthorPublishedSizeAdam DiamantJan 26, 2019680 KBAdam DiamantOctober 4, 2017332 KBAdam DiamantSeptember 28, 2016339 KBAdam DiamantSeptember 17, 2015302 KBAdam DiamantApril 16, 2015427 KBWah Sing NgApril 16, 2015996 KBAdam DiamantOctober 15, 2014255 KBAdam DiamantApril 2014294 KBWah Sing Ng and Bill FleckApril 2014284 KBJohn LawhornApril 20142.25 MB.